Saturday, May 25, 2013

A knitting fool...or maybe just a fool :)

So I have been VERY behind in posts and projects.  With some more time on my hands these days, I have the chance to work on some things again...yay!

I am getting into knitting and I am pretty new at this so please don't laugh at my attempts here :) Our neighbor has helped me with learning knit and pearl.  The rest I have learned from YouTube.

This scarf took me forever to make! The yarn is perfect and was given to me by my neighbor.  I made this for my 6 yr. old niece Nora as her Christmas gift (2013).  I can't wait to see her with it on :) I brought it with me on my visit to my parents and finished it there.  I used a knit stitch for the entire scarf.

This scarf is for me :) I bought this very soft Made in the USA yarn and wanted a thick scarf for whenever I take a trip to some cold weather.  I started this scarf with a plan in mind but then I just went in a different direction depending on how it looked.  I want to make one for my Mom, but I would do it differently.  Larger needles, and a different stitch.  I used knit and pearl stitches for this which made it very tight. I finished this last night.

So what is next? I will start another scarf for my niece Ellie and a couple sewing projects I promised to my family.

Thanks for reading

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